Place details
Malta - the land of churches!
365 in total
Malta has as many churches as there are days of the year.
Malta is proud to claim to be the first country to become a Christian in Europe.
The legend tells that St Paul himself laid the foundations of the Catholic religion here.
Each city, neighborhoods, villages have at least one church, basilica, cathedral.
What is also surprising is their size compared to the size of the buildings or even the island itself.
Inside the churches are very rich:
- ornaments
- representations
- stained glass
- lighting
Many religious festivals or processions take place.
The Catholic religion is very present on the island.
Including in everyday life, in the way of life.
The Roman Catholic population is over 93%.
Even within the state, Catholicism is declared as a state religion.
In schools, whether public or private, provide religious education.
It is a real passion for the Maltese.